photo of Grayhill Farm, reconstructed early 17th century farm

Woodland Products


We can supply a wide range of timber, bark and other woodland products often felled to order. Our Woods contain Alder, Ash, Oak, Hazel, Holly, Wild Cherry, Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Beech, Crab Apple and Wayfaring tree, among other varieties. Most of our woodland in Monmouthshire and Somerset is being brought back into traditional coppice management creating a supply of poles and rods as well as beams, and firewood logs. Bavins and other faggots can be supplied to order for bread ovens and coppers.


Our ancient apple trees supply copious amounts of Mistletoe for the Christmas season. £7 per bin bag.

Oak Galls

Used for dying and ink making are available in limited quantities.


Bark can be retrieved from the range of trees


Charcoal is sometimes available as a by product from displays. This is produced from traditional earth clamps using our own timber.

Lichens, Berries and Nuts.

Berries, nuts, acorns and other seed can be supplied to order. Lichen from fallen timber is collected as a dyestuff.