photo of Grayhill Farm, reconstructed early 17th century farm

Clothing and Textiles: 950–1580


Title No. of pages Price
Clothes of the Common Man 1480-1580 Part 1. Robert Morris. 65p £10
Clothes of the Common Man 1480-1580 part 2: Making the Garments. Jane Hugget. 40p £7
Clothes of the Common Woman 1480-1580 Part 1. Robert Morris. 40p £7
Clothes of the Common Woman 1480-1580 part 2: Making the Garments Jane Hugget.20p £4
Children’s Clothing 1480-1580 Jane Huggett. Includes patterns 41p £7
Textiles and Materials of the Common Man and Woman 1480-1580 Robert Morris. 64p £10
Dyeing the Clothing of the Common folk 1480-1580 Robert Morris and David Hopkins. £6
The Art of the Dyer 1500-1700: Draws on a wide variety of European sources to explain the techniques for producing coloured cloth. David Hopkins. 60p £9
Headwear, Footwear and Trimmings of the Common People 1480–1580. Jane Hugget. £6
The Bluecoats. Clothing the Elizabethan Soldier 1572-1603:David Evans. 32p £6


Title No. of pages Price
Clothes of the Common Man 1350-1480 Part 1. Robert Morris. 40p £7
Clothes of the Common Woman 1350-1480 Part 1. Robert Morris. 16p £4
Textiles and Materials of the Common Man and Woman 1350-1480 (in production) Robert Morris.


Title No. of pages Price
Clothing of the Common Man 1200–1350 Part 1: The Evidence Gilly Vanderkamp. 48p £8


Title No. of pages Price
Clothing of the Common Man 950–1200 Part 1. The Clothing Robert Morley and Turloch Mc Sween. 36p £6
Clothing of the Common Man 950–1200 Part 2. Making the Garments. Sarah Thursfield. 16p £4

Historical Management Associates Ltd. makes a range of historically-correct fabrics such as frieze, kersey, russet, cotton and say.