photo of Grayhill Farm, reconstructed early 17th century farm

English Civil Wars (1639–1660)

Military Facsimiles by Bootleg Press

Artillery Manuals

Title No. of pages Price
The Gunners Glass
A period treatise on Artillery in 3 volumes
£33 the set or £11 per volume.
The Art of Gunnery: John Smith. 1643. 2 Volumes £20 the set or £10 per volume.


Title No. of pages Price
Dialogue betwixt a Horse of Warre and a Mill-Horse: 1643 8p £3
A Warrant.. to all the trained bandes in London...and how to plant Ordnance by night... and the Quality of a Serjent-Major 1642 6p £3
A Compleat School of Warre An infantry drill book 1642 7p £3

Military Ordinances and Laws for Various Armies


Title No. of pages Price
Military Orders and Articles...his Majesties Armie 1642 20p £4
Orders and Institutions of War...Earl of Newcastle 1642 8p £3
A True Description of the Discipline of War both for Horse and Foot Earl of Newcastle and Prince Robert , 1642 6p £3

Parliamentarian and Scots

Title No. of pages Price
Lawes and Ordinances of Warre...Earl of Warwick 1642 28p £5 the Marching, etc ..of the Citie [London] forces 1644 8p £3
Generall Lessley's ....exercising of horse and foot 1642 11p £3