photo of Grayhill Farm, reconstructed early 17th century farm

Re-enactment Regimental Histories

The History of the Norfolk Trayned Bandes

Item Author(s) No. of Pages Price
Volume 1 1974-1983 Peachey, S. 72p £9
Volume 2 1984-2008 Peachey, S. 68p £9
Volume 3 Regimental Recreations and Members Peachey, S. 60p £9
Pictures of the Norfolk Trayned Bandes (CD) £5
The Norfolk Trayned Bande Songbook 2007 ed: Alasdair Peachey 32p £9
Norfolk Trayned Bandes - Ulverston 1980

Norfolk Trayned Bandes - Lewes 1981

Norfolk Trayned Bandes - Babylon Hill 1992