These books generally contain the text and a glossary but no modern interpretation of the recipes.
Title | Author(s) | No. of pages | Price |
The Good Huswifes Handmaid for the Kitchen A transcription of a general period cookery book with brief glossary. | Edited Stuart Peachey | 72p | £11 |
John Murrell's Two books of Cookerie and Carving 1638 Book 1 contains recipes and menus, book 2 comprises a book of recipes and a second book of carving and serving which also includes fascinating sections on the roles of the main household officials and rules of precedence. Much of the latter section appears based on an early 16th century work. | Edited Stuart Peachey | ||
Book 1 [Recipes and Menus] | 44p | £7 | |
Book 2 [Recipes and Etiquette] | 56p | £9 | |
Delightfull Daily Exercises for Ladies and Gentlewomen John Murrell. This work contains mainly banqueting rather than feast recipes, banquet layouts and interesting clues to cooking techniques. 1621. | Edited by Stuart Peachey | 48p | £8 |
Miscellaneous Recipes Volume 1 A collection of scattered recipes in period works other than cookery books [The Treasury of Hiden Secrets, Richard Symond's Diaries and Izac Waltons Complete Angler]. | Stuart Peachey | 16p | £4 |
The Ladies Closet Opened The cookery recipes only from the original work dealing with a mixture of dairy, conserving and banqueting dishes. ISBN.1858040442 | Edited by Stuart Peachey | 32p | £6 |
A Proper New Book of Cookerye 1545 | Ed Jane Huggett | 20p | £4 |
A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen. 1636 Banqueting preserves, waters, some medicinal etc Bootleg Press | 72p | £11 |
See also under medicine: The Complete Receipt Book of Ladie Elynor Fetiplace Vol. 1-3 and The Widow’s Treasury 1639