About Us
Historical Management Associates Ltd was formed in 1987 to utilise many years of historical academic research and hands on experience of living history and replica building construction. The initial aim was to provide a historical consultancy and project management service to museums and historical interpretation sites. At the same time work started on the restoration of an entire historical landscape at the Grayhill Historical Farm.
The agricultural department known as Green Valley Farms started with the restoration of Grayhill Farm in Monmouthshire from 1987 (covered in the book The Building of the Green Valley). This was followed by the acquisition and replanting of decaying Clayacre Orchard in North Somerset in 1992 and most recently the acquisition and replanting of Coney Orchard in South Somerset from 2006.
The company ran its first historical feast at Wells Cathedral in 1988 and this has developed into a major part of the business using wherever possible period produce from our own farms.
The company has travelled the world to develop sources for a wide range of historical style artefacts still being manufactured by craftsmen around the world, from coopered jugs to axe heads, skins to aromatic spices, horse harness to hand carved spoons. These items are not replicas but working objects made to be used by local populations which correspond to those used historically in England
After writing books for Partizan Press in the early years the company started its own publishing arm, Stuart Press in 1992 which now publishes around 300 volumes of historical material. Our principle is to write the books we need and nobody else has produced, concentrating on content rather than gloss.
After the production of Textiles and Materials of the Common Man 1580-1660 by a team of seven specialists in 2001 we discovered the materials were no longer available. Working over the next few years with a number of specialist weavers and spinners we invested thousands of pounds in reproducing the fabrics we now supply.
Our historical expertise and equipment has been in demand by TV and Radio for many years although since 2003 demand has risen to a new level. We have worked on major projects with the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 providing historical advice, locations, props and specialist to camera.
Directors: R.S.M. Peachey BA, PGCE; M. Stratford PhD, PGCE.
Registered Office: 4 Whiteladies Rd , Clifton, Bristol BS8 1PD
Registered in England; No. 2191703.